Digital transformation

We help you plan and execute the digital transformation of your assets and processes, to drive value and meet business goals

Digital transformation symbol

As all business leaders know, digital transformation is fraught with complexity. It’s one thing to conceive how automation, analytics or the Internet of Things might invigorate one aspect of your business; quite another to plan and execute lasting change.

At Exclin, we believe that the key to success is to take a step back – and see digital transformation from multiple points of view.

Productivity goals, for example, are critical – but so are quality control, cyber security, and the needs of technology users, including customers and staff.

As experts in Systems Thinking, our aim is to help you visualise your digital transformation challenge from these multiple viewpoints, helping you see your project through to its goal.

How do we help you transform?

We plan for focused transformation

We can help you add digital capability to your organisation – but not just for its own sake. Instead, we aim to help you to:

  • Reinvent the way you interact with clients, technology users and the wider market – to deliver better services and experiences

  • Drive value – including, potentially, adding new revenue streams.

We follow a step-by-step process

Our approach to digital transformation involves the following steps:

  1. 1.

    Define the problem space

    As experts in systems engineering, we aim to understand your challenge from many perspectives.

    From the point of view of your objectives, for example, we work to identify gaps in your strategy, and the problems and opportunities arising from these gaps.

    We also seek to understand customer and stakeholder requirements – so any digitisation process meets user needs on the ground.

  2. 2.

    Design digital journeys

    After the initial phase, we start designing a system architecture, using models from systems engineering – to understand the “digital journeys” of both users and data.

    We may suggest integrating solutions such as product lifecycle management (PLM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), and so on – or migrating data and knowledge to digital formats.

    Or we may suggest connecting systems (and, in some cases, sensors) to facilitate information flow – designing interfaces that inform business decisions with shared, up-to-date data.

    Having up-to-date knowledge of emerging technologies – from machine learning to big data, and from blockchain to the cloud – is a key part of this process.

    Whatever the technology, we use Systems Thinking to determine its value to you and plan its integration.

  3. 3.

    Digitise and optimise

    Using an agile approach, we help your organisation to put digitisation into practice.

    We can design small-scale usability studies, as appropriate, to ensure solutions perform as you need them to, taking into account redundancy, cyber security, or performance criteria.

    To promote continuous improvement, we can help define success metrics such as time-to-market or “organisation agility” – helping you to monitor the benefits of digital strategies.

    Regularly reviewing your performance in line with these metrics can help you revise strategies, assess the digital maturity of your organisation, and continue to add value.

Contact us

How can we help you design and implement your digital transformation? Contact us to find out more

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Your innovation

AI-powered digital transformation

Your Systems Thinking partner

Future-ready system solutions

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